Our Pet Food is Free of Pesticides, Unnecessary Preservatives & Fillers
We know that your pet is part of your family, and should be treated with the same love and care that the rest of the family deserves. This means healthy, wholesome and natural food, free of pesticides and unnecessary preservatives, fillers or other ingredients. Healthier food and modest supplementation can give your pet a lasting vitality.
Proper Nutrition Can Improve Your Pet’s Health, Coat and Breath
All of those issues you thought were just normal, like excessive shedding, overeating, a dingy coat, bad breath or excessive slobbering, can often be improved or solved all-together by providing your pet with the nutritious diet it needs and deserves. Not to mention, you’d be surprised how many behavioral issues such as aggression, hyperactivity, and even that old dog that just won’t get off the couch can be solved through an improved diet.
Most pet foods contain artificial flavoring, fillers and animal by-products. The full nutrition in food also gets lost when it is processed. Organic food is more nutritious when compared to food containing animal by-products. Natural pet food also leads to longevity, increased energy, and faster recovery from trauma
Veterinarians agree that your pet’s diet directly affects their health. At Homesteader Health Foods, we are committed to providing you with quality natural foods. We ensure your pets get enough of the required vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.
If your cat or dog needs help in the dietary department, we can help! We carry wet and dry cat and dog food. Of course, pets need snacks and encouragement just like we do, so we have delicious treats to tantalize their taste buds.
Maximize Your Pet’s Potential with Supplements
If your pet has an issue that requires more than just good food, or maybe you are just out to maximize their potential, check with us, your vet, or a good animal nutrition guide. There are many dietary supplements that can benefit you and your pet including vitamins, omega oils, greens, homeopathics, and more.
So, come see us and get your old pet feeling and acting young again, or help your puppy or kitten get off to a healthy start in life. They need the benefits of a healthy lifestyle to be vibrant and healthy, just like you!